This is a complete archive of every message David has ever recorded. This will give you an idea of his topics and style.
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Bible Text: John 17:1-3 | Speaker: David Knight | Series: David's Favorites, Explore God | Sixty million people in the United States feel significantly lonely. We as humans crave relationships.…
Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 | Preacher: David Knight | Series: Explore God | Pain. Suffering. We all face it at sometime in our lives. Why does a "good" God…
Speaker: David Knight | STORIES is an easy, organic approach to sharing your faith. This particular version was preached by David Knight and his pastor, David Wahlstedt.
Bible Text: Numbers 21: 4-9 | Speaker: David Knight | In this message, David talks about the "snake on a stake" from Numbers and how we can apply the lessons…
Bible Text: Mark 1 | Speaker: David Knight | Series: David's Favorites | In this message, David comments on Mark 1's depiction of the calling of Jesus' first disciples and…
Bible Text: John 8 | Preacher: David Knight | Series: Sentness | How can we, as Christ followers engage our "sentness" our call to be a part of His mission?…
Bible Text: John 20:21, Matthew 10:5-7, John 1:14, Philippians 2:5-8, Jeremiah 29:5-7 | Speaker: David Knight | Series: Sentness | How can we, as Christ followers engage our "sentness" our…
Bible Text: Genesis 1:1-2, Genesis 1:27, 1 Corinthians 12:7, 2 Corinthians 5:17 | Speaker: David Knight | Series: Godology | What does it mean to be made in the image…
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 1 | Preacher: David Knight | David talks about the grace, gifts and guarantee that followers of Christ receive.
Bible Text: Psalm 29, Psalm 46 | Preacher: David Knight | David discusses how and where to find refuge from the storms of this life.
Bible Text: Proverbs 29 | Preacher: David Knight | David's message to his church, Crosspointe, about what God wants to do through them.
Bible Text: Ezekiel 37 | Preacher: David Knight | Series: The Story | The Story sweeps us into the unfolding of the The Whole Story by engaging the progression of…
Bible Text: Psalm 137 | Speaker: David Knight | Series: The Story | The Story sweeps us into the unfolding of the The Whole Story by engaging the progression of…
Bible Text: Luke 10 | Preacher: David Knight | Series: The Art of Neighboring | When Jesus was asked to reduce everything to one command, He gave us a simple…
Bible Text: Exodus 20 | Preacher: David Knight | Series: The Story | The Story sweeps us into the unfolding of the The Whole Story by engaging the progression of…
Bible Text: John 10 | Preacher: David Knight | Series: First Person Present | The Gospel of John was written with a primary goal in mind: that a world that…
Bible Text: Ephesians 1, Ephesians 2 | Preacher: David Knight | Series: Practice Resurrection | Billy Joel said 'I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints. The…
Bible Text: Ephesians 4 | Preacher: David Knight | Series: Practice Resurrection | The Christian life is about resurrection. It’s about seeing dead things come back to life. The central…
Bible Text: Ephesians 4 | Preacher: David Knight | Series: A Beautiful Exchange | Are our words an encouragement to others? Do we bring grace?
Bible Text: 1 Kings 19 | Preacher: David Knight | Series: Beginnings and Endings | This week we look at the anointing of Elisha. What lessons can we learn along…
Bible Text: 1 Kings 19 | Preacher: David Knight | Series: Beginnings and Endings | What happens when we are at the end of our rope? How can we follow…
Bible Text: Romans 11 | Preacher: David Knight | Series: Deconstructing Paul | What is the appropriate response when our answers come to an end? What do we do with…
We conclude our series: Why I Hate Christmas with David Knight's thoughts on Baby Jesus...
Preacher: David Knight | Series: Holistic Holiness | How do we develop our Holistic Holiness?
Bible Text: 1 Peter 1 | Preacher: David Knight | Series: Holistic Holiness | What does it mean to be holy as God is holy? How can we participate in…
Bible Text: Exodus 20, Deuteronomy 5 | Preacher: David Knight | Series: Remedy | What does it mean to take a Sabbath? Think you know? Let's take a journey and…
Bible Text: Matthew 11 | Preacher: David Knight | Series: Renovate | God wants to renovate us from the inside out. Will we accept His offer?
Bible Text: Romans 8 | Preacher: David Knight | Series: Renovate | How you see God affects the way you see everything else in life.
Bible Text: Matthew 20 | Preacher: David Knight | Series: Me, Myself & I AM | How do we move past the false narrative of earning favor with God into…
Speaker: David Knight | Series: The [W]hole Story | This was the beginning of a series by Crosspointe called The [W]hole Story. It was a multi-week series that traced the…
Bible Text: Galatians 6:7-10, Matthew 6:19 | Speaker: David Knight | Series: Crosspointe At The Movies | This was David's first-ever message. It was for a church sermon series called…
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Beginnings and Endings
Deconstructing Paul
Explore God
First Person Present
The Gospel of John was written with a primary goal in mind: that a world that longed for a Savior would know that Jesus was that Savior and by believing receive eternal life. Toward that end, he records seven specific miracles of Jesus and seven statements that became known as the I AM statements.Fueling (Re)Volution
Holistic Holiness
Me Myself & I AM
Practice Resurrection
The Christian life is about resurrection. It’s about seeing dead things come back to life. The central moment in the Christian narrative is not the death of Jesus, it is his resurrection. The book of Ephesians makes this clear – The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is present and active within the church community today. But the problem is that it is easy to forget or even understand what resurrection looks like in our world. We want to relegate it as something that happened in the past and only to Jesus. But as Christians, we believe God empowers humanity to be agents of restoration wherever they might be. The empty tomb tells us that death and darkness do not get the last laugh. Tomorrow doesn’t have to be the same as today. New life is possible. So in practicing resurrection we’re aligning ourselves with God’s vision to bring heaven crashing into earth and enact real and tangible change in our lives and in our world.Remedy
The [W]hole Story
The Art of Neighboring
The Story
The Story sweeps us into the unfolding of the The Whole Story by engaging the progression of Bible characters and events from Genesis to Revelation as told through The Story, NIV: The Bible as One Continuing Story of God and His People.Why I Hate Christmas